
Tag Archives: woodlands tx child photographer

Quiet Souls

Nine years ago, Caden insisted we get a dog. He asked consistently for several holidays. He was little but the asking continued. Birthdays, Christmas, etc. I had lost my golden retriever suddenly while we were pregnant with him. So I wasn’t ready to get another. Paddy was my best friend and in our wedding. She...

Holding it together

As moms, we try to hold it all together. The house, work, the kids. Some days it works great. Other days. No matter how hard we try. Nothing is going to work. So no matter how great we portray things on Facebook. And want the world to think that we have our sh*t together. I...

Birthday session

Last night there was blood, sweat and tears. But these two ladies were troopers. I have had the pleasure of seeing them since they were born. And they love getting their photos done. One has very specific ideas of what she likes. The other just likes to carry her backpack right now and run. But...

Baby plan

Did you have a baby plan for your little one? I didn’t and I missed so much. I feel like they grow so, so fast in the first year. And I was just trying to keep my crazy little guy alive. Let alone take any photos of him. Depending on the photographer…Baby plans can be...

Not my typical sneak

Not my typical sneak. But it was too beautiful not to post. Every little girl loves to twirl. And Miss E sure did. So we let her. And she was a master at it. Can’t you just feel the twirl in this photo? I always say that a great photo makes you feel. And this...

Handful, Heartsfull

This mama is one amazing mama.  I have a hard time keeping my sanity with one boy.  But she kept her calm with three little ones.  I have no idea how she did it.  Twins and a fabulous older brother. They were all amazing.  I had the best time with these three boys this morning. Playing...


Hey, hey! Welcome to those of you who are new.  I’m Kara! The one who is kinda in charge around here.  I enjoy snuggling babies, capturing connections and meeting all kinds of new people.  If you are looking for a photographer to stick with you years as your child grows up; you have found the...

Fake Smile

Does your child have a fake smile? Oh mine went through a couple of years that he did this weird smile he thought was amazing.  I had to talk about farts to get him to look really happy.  All kids have a ‘real’ smile and a fake smile. Photographers see a lot of both.  It...

Not quite sure

I think we all have days that we just aren’t feeling it.  Like we would just like to go back to bed? Or maybe just like to be held.  Well, Mr. R had one of those days today.  It is quite all right. You are as cute as a button. And I managed to catch...

Let’s Connect


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furbabies • children • families