
Tag Archives: woodlands tx child photographer

Santa 2022 – Now Booking

Booking for The 2022 Santa Experience is now open! If you haven’t yet booked your session, now is the time. Sessions will take place on November 12 and 13.  To book your Santa session, click the here! Here are a few details: -20 minute sessions allows for your kids to get used to Santa –...

Back in the day 

When I was little; while everyone else went out to recess, I sat with the teachers. I never really wanted to play with the kids my age. I saw no real use for playing. It was a waste of my time. I wanted to be doing useful things.  The teachers quickly figured this out and...

Back to School

There are a bunch of mamas out there right now, looking at photos this week. Missing their babies because they are at school. And I bet they will be early to pick up line. You know who you are…. And then there are moms like me. Getting their nails done and getting coffee. All alone....

A long time ago

He finished preschool/started Kindergarten the year I took this.  And this year he is beginning 8th grade.  I remember vividly the many years I cried on the bathroom floor. Thinking I would never have any children. Every miscarriage, beginning of a cycle and lost hope. And then one day… Our prayers were answered with crazy...

Almost Fall

It is almost fall, y’all! And that means we will be able to go outside without melting! Yippee! What are you most excited about? The pumpkin spice everything? The weather? All of the fall activities? I love October.  October has cooler weather, pumpkins, my birthday and candy corn! What do you love about fall? Are you...

Back to School Check in

As we start the “back to school” process this week. I wanted to check in on all of my moms out there. How is everyone doing? I know there are a lot of school activities happening this week and next. Hang in there! The days are long, but the years are short. Are you looking...

Great to be 8

You may recognize this young man. We do his birthday session each year. They are usually themed sessions. We have done cars, construction, trains, boats, etc. This year was Galveston. Fitting since they live kinda close. I absolutely love going all out for these sessions. Trying to find props or locations that he will find...

Birthday Boy

This young man has been doing birthday sessions with us since he was one. This year he turned 8. We have done planes, trains, autos and lots of other other themes like construction and yachting. This year’s theme was Galveston beach. So we went to the Strand book shop, La Kings and the beach. What...

13 Years and Lovin’ It

I have been running this business and loving it for close to 13 years.  Now you learn a lot over that period of time. Things like ways to light photos, editing, where to stand, what kids like, types of sessions I like to photograph, etc.  But the one thing I am always surprised at is...

Mr. N Turns 1

Someone is super happy that he has turned 1. He wanted to show off his smile and his beautiful 6 new teeth. Mr. N is a super happy baby. And that he can almost walk.  We had a great morning of bubbles, playing in the pool, fun in his room and we finished our session...

Let’s Connect


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furbabies • children • families