
Tag Archives: infertility photographer


Happiness is homemade. Newborns are my definition of perfect. Made in many different ways; especially with all of my infertility families. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ However you get there; hold them tight! Are you looking for a newborn photographer? You have come to the right place? Drop me a line and let’s talk. Or call me! 832-573-3731. I would love...

Grumpy Little Man

This little one is mine. Look at his little grumpy face. It is one that screamed for 2 hours during his professional newborn session. It was only during the third hour (that I had to pay extra for) that he finally fell asleep and she got this image. I should have known then that he...

Selecting a Family Photographer

Here at the studio, we have had a baby boom lately! I am loving it. If you don’t know, I am a family photographer who caters to the growing family (maternity, newborn and family). So having all of these new mamas in the last two months is so very exciting! Especially because 90% of our...

More than you can handle

Do you ever feel that God has given you something that you just can not handle? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’m sure that LA’s mama did more than once. But you know what? You should see LA now! She is the most precious four year old I know. She is also someone that has gone through more surgeries...

Strong Little Embryo

Every couples journey through infertility is different. Ours started in 2004, so it was a long time ago. We went through IUIs and IVFs. Lots of doctors appointments, $$, shots, tears and sleepless nights. We transferred two embryos in 2008 and on Mother’s Day 2008 we found out that we were expecting. Only one of...

My journey through infertility

For some starting a family is easy. For others it is something that is costly, emotional and sometimes never happens at all. We were lucky and it only took us six years to finally have a son. It was very costly and we were not able to have any other children. But luckily I have...

My Photography Story

A question I get a lot is how did you get started doing this job? Well, it all started way back in Junior high…. My dad was into photography. So he bought me a little Canon Rebel film camera. I messed around with it a bit at home. But I really got into it when...

Expecting a Miracle Book

I feel strongly about getting the word out about infertility, since I have been through it myself. So I wanted to do something to give back to the infertility community and especially RESOLVE. So I came up with the Expecting a Miracle book. I posted the need for families with infertility challenges on my business...

IVF Superfoods

When you are trying to conceive, you will literally try anything. Eating healthy and staying fit is one of the things I did that helped a lot. Here are some of the superfoods that will help your body during your IVF cycles. Your IVF diet should be high in protein, high in good healthy fats...

Expect a Miracle

Do you remember the first noise that your son or daughter made? Or where you were when you found out that you were pregnant? That feeling of anticipation and pure bliss is what being a mother is all about. Ever since I was little, I wanted children. I babysat since I was 12 and I just...

Let’s Connect


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