
Category Archives: Photo Tips

So you have digital files – now what?

So you have taken gorgeous family photos with us. Now what? You have a few on your walls and probably an album on your coffee table. But you also have a ton of digital images to do something with. So let’s have some fun. I have put together a list of some things you may...

Photo Tips – Head Shots

Today we’re talking about head shots! They’re something that everyone needs but seem to dread. Well we’re here to make the experience better! A few tips to make your head shot session go more smoothly: 1. Tell us things you’d like to avoid. Some people know that they prefer their left side over the right,...

Photo Tips – Shooting in Manual

We’re still getting technical! Today we’re going to discuss how to put together the things we’ve covered recently (ISO, Shutter speed, and Aperture) to create the Exposure Triangle. Shooting using all 3 of those settings means that you are shooting in manual mode! Woohoo! When you are making adjustments to each of these settings, you’ll...

Cat and Dog Accessories

Are you an obsessed dog or cat mom like I am? I can go months without buying myself something. But show me a cute dog bandanna and it is in the cart! So I thought I would show you some of the things that I have purchased lately for my babies. Check out this 7...

Photography Suggestions

As a photographer, I get asked a lot what I would suggest for clients. Whether it be for themselves, their kids, etc. So I thought I would put them all together so you guys can read at your leisure. Now these will change over time, as new and fun things come out all the time....

Family Photography Neutral Props

Have you ever done a photo session with your child or grandchild and they brought their favorite toy into the session? It is probably the bright yellow/pink elephant that doesn’t match anything. Or the horrible multicolored thing you hate. We have all been there. It is their favorite, but it looks awful in the photos....

Photo Tips – Aperture

We’re getting technical again! Today we’ll discuss aperture, how it affects your photos, and what settings you might use. Aperture (or f-stop) is the size of the opening in the lens that can be adjusted to control the amount of light reaching the film or digital sensor. The lower the f-stop, the larger the opening in...

Photo Tips – Shutter Speed

We’re getting technical again! Today we’ll discuss shutter speed, how it affects your photos, and what settings you might use. Shutter Speed (also called exposure time) is the amount of time the shutter remains open when you press the shutter button. Shutter speed is measured in seconds. So for example, 1/500 means the shutter is...

Photo Tips – ISO

Let’s get a little technical! Today we’ll discuss ISO, how it affects your photos, and what settings you might use. ISO is how much light sensitivity a photographic film or digital sensor has. The higher the ISO, the more sensitive the sensor is to light and the more grain you could potentially have. Since we are...

Photo Tips – What time to take photos

Today were going to talk about the best times to take photos. For portrait photographers there are 2 perfect times a day to shoot: Sunrise and sunset, also called the golden hours. The light at these times is warmer looking and much softer than other times of day. If you have ever booked a session...

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