
Category Archives: KP Photo

My journey through infertility

For some starting a family is easy. For others it is something that is costly, emotional and sometimes never happens at all. We were lucky and it only took us six years to finally have a son. It was very costly and we were not able to have any other children. But luckily I have...

Canon Girl

I’m a Canon girl. Always have been! I started with a Canon Rebel film camera in middle school. I was obsessed! Even won a contest back then with an image I took of my cousin, right after he was born. I loved capturing people and their emotions. What do you shoot with? What do you...


Connection. If there is one thing I love in a photo, it is connection. Whether it is between people or between the camera and the person. It shows that the people or person has complete trust in the photographer.  This is one of my favorite photos of me. I love Michelle of @pinkletoes and trust her...

Hire a Professional

I have a lot of favorite photos of my son. I mean, I take a ton and then I also have a LOT taken by other amazing photographers of our family.  This image was taken by my friend Michele of Pinkle Toes PhotographyShe is amazing. He was barely two and really crazy wild. If you zoom...

My Photography Story

A question I get a lot is how did you get started doing this job? Well, it all started way back in Junior high…. My dad was into photography. So he bought me a little Canon Rebel film camera. I messed around with it a bit at home. But I really got into it when...

Expecting a Miracle Book

I feel strongly about getting the word out about infertility, since I have been through it myself. So I wanted to do something to give back to the infertility community and especially RESOLVE. So I came up with the Expecting a Miracle book. I posted the need for families with infertility challenges on my business...

Expect a Miracle

Do you remember the first noise that your son or daughter made? Or where you were when you found out that you were pregnant? That feeling of anticipation and pure bliss is what being a mother is all about. Ever since I was little, I wanted children. I babysat since I was 12 and I just...

Exist in Photographs

Have you been holding back from existing in photographs? When was the last time you had some taken? Has it been a year, ten years? This is the perfect time to have some taken with your whole family. Let me show you how beautiful family photography can be and how comfortable you can feel in...

10 Things Infertility has Taught Me

It took 6 years for my husband and I to conceive my son. It was a long journey, but we both learned a lot. Here are a few things that I can pass along to hopeful parents entering the infertility journey. Life is not easy – everyone has things in their life. Some easy. Some...

Snowed In

If you aren’t from around the Houston, TX area you may not know that we are having a massive snow storm right now. It was 7 degrees last night. Which for Houston is unheard of. I think the news said that it hadn’t been that cold in 70 years. So we have had snow, ice and...

Let’s Connect


Hire kara powell photography

furbabies • children • families