
Tag Archives: woodlands tx child photographer

School has Started

School is about to start. Which means so does all of the sports practice. Are your kids into all of those after school sports? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Mine wasn’t until last year. Now he is in cross-country, track, and basketball. I’m sure there would be more if they offered it. I am tired just thinking about it!...

Flying High on Sugar

If you know me well, or even a little. You know I LOVE cake. Well, this little dude. He LOVES cake too. He wasn’t too into the first half of his session. But when his cake came out, man did he love it. And just an FYI. His two big sisters have identical sessions to...

Downtown man turns 6 months

I’m not sure how it can already be his 6 month birthday, but it is. This morning I drove out to downtown and in the heat and crazy humidity, I met Mr. J. He has grown so, so much. Now sitting up and checking things out, he is so cute! He loved his ball. And...

Special Visit

Some of you know that I traveled to Atlanta this week to see a very special family that I haven’t seen in over 4 years. They have grown up a lot and have had a very rough year, to say the least. So I went out to check on them and of course do a...

Unpredictable Galveston Beach

One of the reasons why I love Galveston beach is that it is totally unpredictable. Some days the beach it has a ton of seaweed. Some days it is socked in with sea fog. Some days you have amazing sunsets. Some you don’t have any. You really never know what you will get until you...

He Loves Cake

When you run the show, but this lady keeps following you around with a camera…. This is the face you make. H e kept me on my toes tonight. Not a lot of smiles, and a whole lot of crawling. But man did he LOVE that cake! I have so enjoyed seeing MR. L grow...

First Clients

These two. I remember this session way back in 2011. Their family was one of my first clients and they were so sweet to trust me. They loved all of my suggestions of crazy mini sessions each and every year. So in 2011 when I suggested the beach, they were up to drive the 2...

Crystal Blue Eyes

Early this July morning. I met this handsome little guy out on the board walk in Hughes Landing in the Woodlands. He has recently turned 7 months old and is a part of the Tippy toes program. So we are documenting all things Mr. G! And I am so glad we are. OMG! Is he...

Studio or Location

Studio or on location? A lot of my clients ask this. And it is a tricky decision. There are a lot of factors that go into it. Here is what I tell them: 1) What time of year is it? If it is 100+ degrees, I think studio is a fabulous idea. 2) Do you,...

Standing Tall

When you would rather stand at your sitter session, you think you are super cute. And I happen to agree. Look at him? You might recognize Mr. G from his newborn session. He was the one that decided to be wide awake and super handsome the whole time. I met him this morning to start...

Let’s Connect


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furbabies • children • families