Who needs help organizing their photos?! Let’s talk about how to organize all of the digital photos you take and the ones you receive from your photographer. And then we’ll talk about how to organize your physical photos as well. We know organizing can be a pain, but with this system you will always be able to easily find the photo you are looking for! Click the links to see some of the exact items we use to make organizing easy.
For your digital photos, the first thing you will want to do is create a folder for each year. Then inside that folder you will create new folder for each event. Things like “Claire’s First Birthday”, “Family Photos”, or “Christmas”. By creating a folder for each event, you will be able to see at a glance whether or not the photos you want are in that year. Once you’ve set up your system, storing and finding your digital files will be a breeze! Don’t forget to back it all up when you’re done. We recommend storing backups on a hard drive like this. If you have a fire/water proof safe in your home, store your hard drive there! Some things can be replaced, but your photos can not!
In the screenshot below you can see how we set up folders for safe keeping.
For physical photos, you’ll need to decide how you want to store your images. In a binder? In a box? Personally, we used boxes and found that to be the most accommodating method for photos of different sizes. Again, you’ll want to sort your photos by event as well as chronologically. Purchase or make dividers that you can write on to create sections for each event and then each year. For larger prints, boxes like this are perfect! If you’re anything like us, you had tons of negatives left over from the film days too! We would always recommend keeping the film negatives because those can be used to reproduce images in any size. If you toss those, you won’t be able to enlarge your images. For negatives, we would suggest negative holders that fit in a binder. Once you’re done organizing everything, you can store it all in one larger box!