
Surfing or BioChem Major

On a windy evening this week, I met this future BioChem major or maybe surfing.

He is graduating soon and heading off to college in this weird, uncertain year. He was so full of excitement. 

I love meeting seniors who are ready to get out there and see how they can make a mark on the world. 

Mr. L is a worldly guy, already having so many options available to him. So I’m sure he will make the right choice in college. Although I did try to talk him out of Baylor and into TCU. I don’t think it worked. 🙂

It was great meeting his whole family and we snuck in some family photos as well. I love doing this.

I hope you guys love the sneak.

Are you looking for a senior or family photographer? You have come to the right place? Drop me a line and let’s talk. Or call me! 832-573-3731. I would love to capture your family in a unique way. Now is the perfect time when everyone is home.

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