Let’s talk about how to get that perfect Thanksgiving family photo while everyone is in town. We know that this year there are lots of family gatherings around Thanksgiving (we’ve never had a busier Thanksgiving week scheduled in our 12 years!) so a lot of you would probably like to document the occasion.
- Use the self timer. If someone has a camera and a tripod, use that! If not, find a table to set your phone up on.
- If you can, take the photos outside. Generally the light and space will be better outside than inside. If you can’t go outside, turn on all of the lights inside.
- There are a few different ways to pose people: either have them gather by family group, or just pile together. With larger groups, having kids or shorter adults in the front row works best. You could also use chairs to help create a front row.
- Before stepping away from the camera, make sure you can see everyone!
- Have the person who is pushing the shutter button on the end of a row of people, that way they can jump in and out easily to see the shots and push the button again.
- Take lots of photos! And throw in a few silly shots and candids.
- PRINT your photos! There is nothing like seeing the faces of the people you love every single day. Even if it’s just stuck to your fridge!