When I propose for clients to do a lifestyle session at their home, I sometimes hear a lot of concerns. So I thought I might address some of these concerns, so that you would know how amazing these sessions can and will be in your home.
1. My home has to look like the Pottery Barn catalog. – No. Your home has to look like your home. You want it to be comfortable and look like people live there. And honestly, you won’t see a whole lot of the backgrounds. Unless you want to. Most of my clients do not have big homes or fancy homes.
2. My home has to be big. – No. I need one or two rooms with a window or two and that is it. We can also take images in the front yard and back yard. 🙂
3. My home has to have great light. – Most homes have at least one or two rooms that have a window or two that will work. I have done images in bathrooms and entryways, so we can make any home work.
4. My home has to be perfectly clean. – No. We can always move things to one side of the room. No worries. Just tidy up a bit, that works. And this is something we can help with when we arrive.
5. We have to do it inside – No. We can do it around the home, like on the front porch or in the front or backyard. Sometimes the neighborhoods have fabulous landscaping.
6. We have to get dressed up. – No. Do you get dressed up everyday? Probably not! So why would you want pictures of yourself all dressed up on your wall? I love casual photos. It is the real you.
7. We have to wait until I lose 10 pounds, or maybe 20. – Nope. Your child will not care what you look like or how much you weigh. But you know what he or she will care about? That you were in the photos. They want you playing with them and having fun. That is it! They love you and every inch of you!
8. We have to wait a few weeks, my child got a black eye or scratched themselves. – Well, it depends. A scratch, I can take out. And how bad is the black-eye? If it is just a little one, I can fix it, but if it is a really bad one, yes, let’s wait.
9. We have to wait because my son just lost a tooth – NO! This is a huge milestone! So let’s document this! I love loose teeth and all of those holes. They are gorgeous.
10. I have way too many kids and too much chaos for a lifestyle session. – Umm, no. The more crazy, the better. Mama, this is your life today. But ten years from now, it won’t be. They will be in college and it will be so quiet at home. And you will look back at this video or album and remember them running through the hallways. Or jumping on the bed. So embrace the chaos! Love on those babies! That is why you had them right? Tiny toes are only tiny for a little while.
I hope I answered a few of the concerns about in-home sessions. We offer them year round, but they are extremely popular during the summer months. To book your own in-home lifestyle session, drop us a line!
Lifestyle Session
The Woodlands Lifestyle Photographer