
Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to hang your Wall Art

We’ve all been there… You just had a fantastic photo session and purchased beautiful wall art of your family. But now you have to hang it. Nil Nil If you feel like this, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with tips and tricks on how to hang your wall art without looking like Kevin. Supplies:Wrapping...

Milestone Sessions

We are excited to announce Milestone sessions! Milestone sessions are perfect for birthdays, seniors, maternity or dog sessions. These sessions are nice and short at just 20 minutes long, but they pack a punch! They take place during the week at the outdoor studio and can include one person. Maternity and dog milestones can include two people. Milestone...

Happy Valentine’s Day – The Woodlands TX Family Photographer

There are numerous martyrdom stories associated with various Valentines connected to February 14, including a written account of Saint Valentine of Rome’s imprisonment for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry. According to legend, Saint Valentine restored sight to the blind daughter of his judge, and he wrote her a letter signed “Your...

Congenital Heart Month – The Woodlands TX Family Photographer

💗 To celebrate heart month and CHD (congenital heart defect) awareness week, we have to share a collage of Miss LA. We have followed her journey since before it was known that she had a CHD. And man has she grown! She is now a feisty, sweet little almost 3 year old. And lucky us, we...

Woodlands Santa Photographer – Santa is Coming…

The Woodlands Santa PhotographerHere at the studio, we have hosted Santa Todd for over 7 years. It is not a drive through experience with crying kids. It is calm, personal, and custom to your family. It’s an experience your kids will talk about all holiday season! Want to know more? Here are a few things...

Pinterest Photography – Most Pinned Image

Woodlands Pinterest PhotographySince we talked about Pinterest last week I thought some of you might want to know what our most pinned image was. Right now, this is it! We had an image that was holding the spot for a very long time. It has now slipped down a few spots and 10 years down,...

Pinterest Photographer – Best Pinterest Board Around

Pinterest PhotographerDo you pin? I mean, do you have a Pinterest board? Pinterest has been around since 2010 and has now grown into a $250 million company based in California, that is valued at $12 billion. Users can upload, save, sort, and manage images—known as pins—and other media content through collections known as boards. As of...

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