At the end of February, Jenna and I went to Vegas for the fifth time to attend WPPI. This is the Wedding and Portrait Photography International. This photo conference has been around forever and used to be huge. The first year I went it had 20,000 in attendance. Now it is down to 6,000 or so. There are several other large conferences competing.
But we still had a great time learning from the greats in photography and the expo was very helpful.
The main reason we go, is to get away from Houston to talk business together. We go to set our 2020 goals, refocus, celebrate 2019 and look at the new products that we could sell. It is a great experience for both of us.
I even learned how to use Uber and Lyft! Scary and liberating all at the same time. We survived using it like ten times. Lyft is pretty amazing and the infrastructure in Vegas for it is really amazing.
We found a new album company that we just love. The customer service is amazing and we are very excited to see how everyone likes them. We also are going to try out a few other new really neat products. Very exciting.
The best part was learning so much in such a compressed amount of time. We are still trying to weed through all of the information. Marketing, SEO, social media, video production, lighting, posing, etc. And that was only half of it.
We even had time to sneak away early one night and do our annual fancy dinner to celebrate 2019. We love doing this together and I think it is important to celebrate your employees. So I hope Jenna enjoyed it.
So Vegas 2020 was a success and we had a great time. Until next year.
Are you looking for a family photographer? You have come to the right place? Drop me a line and let’s talk. Or call me! 832-573-3731. I would love to capture your family in a unique way. Now is the perfect time.