Woodlands Child Photographer
You may remember this sweet little face. She is now almost two and quite a firecracker.
We had such a good time last night. She showed me around her favorite park. We checked out the pond, jumped off of everything around. Ran up and down every sidewalk. And I got a LOT of hugs and high-fives. It was a really good time.
Mom and dad joined us too. So all in all, a successful session (other than almost falling in the pond). Oops! Only one of her cute pink sneakers got wet. No worries.
I bet she slept great last night. And I think she really enjoyed her time with mom and dad in the beautiful weather!
Enjoy the sneaks you guys. And happy almost 2nd birthday!
If you are interested in a birthday session for your own little dare devil, let us know! And to see what’s happening around here, check out the Facebook page!
The Woodlands Child Photographer