
Tag Archives: woodlands tx photographer

Two Times for Senior Portraits

There are two main times for seniors to take their photos. Sprint and fall. Some seniors love to do their images during cooler weather, when the fall leaves are out and when things aren’t as crazy at school. If this is you or your senior; I can help! I already have several seniors booked this...

Session Close to Home

When planning out your fall family session, there are a lot of choices to make.  One is where to do the session. A great choice is to have it close to home. Like AT your home. Or maybe a piece of family land.  If you have something that means a lot to your family, let’s...

Four Benefits of Family Portraits

Four benefits of family portraits: 1. Create memories and heirlooms to pass down 2. Document growth of the whole family 3. Boost your children’s self esteem and self-acceptance 4. Finished product makes great gifts If these aren’t reason enough; I don’t know what is.  I recommend to get your family photos done when big milestones happen....

Hi, It’s Me Kara

School is back in and I am one of those mom’s that is thrilled with being back to the schedule.  I like knowing what is happening each and every day.  If you don’t know me – I am Kara. The person in charge around here. Kara Powell Photography has been around since 2009.  I have...

Photo Tips – Composition

Today we are finishing up our series to help you get better images when you are taking photographs. Here are the only 5 things you need to know to get better images… Today we’re talking about Composition. What is composition? Composition is the layout of your image and how the people and objects are placed...

Consultations are important

Why is no one talking about our custom sessions at Kara Powell Photography? They are when you need them, where you want them, for as long as you need them. And you receive all of the digital images in your gallery plus the products you select during your viewing appointment. You never get a generic...

3 Things to End Summer Blues

3 things to help with the end of summer blues: – Spend as much time as you can outdoors enjoying the pool, beach, parks, and other outdoor activities – Throw an end of summer party and get your child involved – Create a giant calendar and mark off school and work holidays. Then choose dates...

Don’t Skip Family Photos

Stop making this mistake! – skipping family photos.  They are so crucial to your child’s self esteem. Placing a photo on our wall shows that we’re proud of our family and its members. It says they’re important. That they are enough just as they are and we couldn’t be happier with having them. (This goes...

Photo Tips – Focus

We are continuing our series to help you get better images when you are taking photographs. Here are the only 5 things you need to know to get better images… Today we’re talking about focus. What is focus? In photography, it’s practically married to sharpness. An image that is completely sharp at the point in...

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