Let’s go over a few tips to make your fall session the best yet!
- A few days before your session have everyone try on their outfits to make sure everything fits and looks how you hoped. If anything is wrinkled, take care of that now!
- 24 hours before your session check to see how long it will take you to get to the location. Then decide when to start getting ready and when to leave based off of that. Plan to arrive a few minutes early in case of traffic. We’re dealing with a setting sun, so we want to make sure we have enough time!
- The day of your session make sure that you aren’t rushed when getting ready. We would recommend getting yourself ready first and then getting the kids ready. If your drive will be more than a few minutes, or if you are worried about spills on the way there, wait to dress the kids until you arrive at the location.
- Once you arrive at the location, relax and have fun. Kids feed off of their parents energy, so try to leave your worries at the car!
- A few more tips: If there is a simple game or book your family loves, bring it along! That will make for great candid photos. If your children are little, bring snacks! We can take breaks if needed.