
Photo Tips – Composition

Today we are finishing up our series to help you get better images when you are taking photographs. Here are the only 5 things you need to know to get better images…

  1. Exposure
  2. Light
  3. Perspective
  4. Focus
  5. Composition

Today we’re talking about Composition. What is composition? Composition is the layout of your image and how the people and objects are placed within the frame (viewfinder). A few things to take into consideration when composing a photograph are: pattern, symmetry, depth of field and the rule of thirds. 

Pattern and symmetry themselves can be extremely useful in creating a visually interesting photograph. If you have such elements, you can then just place the people in the image where they best utilize those elements.

Depth of field is important to take into consideration because if your depth of field is too shallow, you will lose focus on the people closest to the edges of your photograph. A good rule of thumb is to set your aperture to a number that corresponds with how many people are in the image. So f4 = 4 people. Along with that though, you must consider their placement. If the people are too close to the left or right of the image, you will probably need to bump up your aperture to a higher number.

The rule of thirds is basically like breaking down your viewfinder into a 9 part grid. When you image this grid you can use the lines to help compose your image.  Usually when you place an element (or person) where 2 lines converge, it makes the photograph more interesting than if you were to just put the person in the middle of the frame. For more information on the rule of thirds, click here.

We hope you have learned a lot from this little series! If you have any questions or are interested in a personalized camera class, give us a call at 832-573-3731!

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