
Category Archives: Children

Will my kids behave?

A common worry that many families have when thinking about doing a family photo session is will my kids behave? This is a very valid concern and we talk a lot about this during our consultation with you. Depending on your kids ages there are lots of things we can do. If you book with...

High Expectations

Let me tell you a story about this image. Being a child and family photographer I take a lot of photos of my kid. So naturally I wanted a great photo of my boys in the Houston TX bluebonnets. Easy right? Well, the kid was cranky. The dog was over stimulated with all of the other...

Tomball, TX Family Photographer

When was the last time you had a family photo session? If the answer is more than 2 years ago, you are probably due for an update! Families with little kids and fur babies want to make sure to do family photos at least every year or two years to be able to capture all...

Growing up too fast

I wish I knew when I started this business that all those newborn babies that I was photographing would turn into grown up seniors. Why are they all getting so big??? It makes feel so old.  I don’t know any of the cool things anymore. Nor any of the little kid tv shows. I am...

Locations Good and Bad

Can I tell you a secret? There are some locations in the Woodlands, TX that I do not like.  Yep. I said it. The light isn’t as predictable, too many people, not safe, etc. Do I take my clients there? Absolutely. If the client insists. But I will definitely suggest other options. I always suggest...

Spring TX family photographer

When was the last time you had a family photo session? If the answer is more than 2 years ago, you are probably due for an update! Families with little kids and fur babies want to make sure to do family photos at least every year or two years to be able to capture all...

Conroe TX family photographer

When was the last time you had a family photo session? If the answer is more than 2 years ago, you are probably due for an update! Families with little kids and fur babies want to make sure to do family photos at least every year or two years to be able to capture all...

Downtown Houston TX Family Photographer

When was the last time you had a family photo session? If the answer is more than 2 years ago, you are probably due for an update! Families with little kids and fur babies want to make sure to do family photos at least every year or two years to be able to capture all...

When Everything Aligns

Round up your daughters. These two tiny cowboys are way over the top adorable. I just love their personalities.  As seen by the over 1000 images I took at last night’s session.  I managed to get it down to 150 for their gallery. Which is still crazy pants. When the weather, location and family align….What...

Tickle fight your kids

Psst.  It is never too late for your family to have a tickle fight. No matter how old your kids are. They love it. And bonus for me – it makes for great photos. It was a beautiful night last night.  Filled with laughter, gorgeous weather and exploring new places.  I hope this family had a...

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furbabies • children • families