
High Expectations

Let me tell you a story about this image. Being a child and family photographer I take a lot of photos of my kid. So naturally I wanted a great photo of my boys in the Houston TX bluebonnets. Easy right?

Well, the kid was cranky. The dog was over stimulated with all of the other people in the field, smells, and I had really high expectations, etc. 

I have never been so frustrated and done with a session. 

I was screaming at the kid, dog and really everyone around.

It was none of their faults. They were just being them. And he really couldn’t control a huge dog.

I left in tears.

And the funny part? 

Look at the great photo that came out of it. 

All that yelling for no reason. Sometimes expectations need to be very much lowered. Especially for parents – IE. me at that moments.

A boy and his golden retriever in the Texas blue bonnets. Taken by Kara Powell Photography.

Are you looking for a child photographer? You have come to the right place? Drop me a line and let’s talk. Or call me! 832-573-3731. I would love to capture your family in a unique way. Now is the perfect time when everyone is home.

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furbabies • children • families